Depot - Notice history

100% - uptime

us-east-1 - Operational

100% - uptime
May 2024 · 99.99%Jun · 99.99%Jul · 99.84%
May 2024
Jun 2024
Jul 2024

eu-central-1 - Operational

100% - uptime
May 2024 · 100.0%Jun · 100.0%Jul · 99.98%
May 2024
Jun 2024
Jul 2024
100% - uptime

Depot-managed Actions Runners - Operational

100% - uptime
May 2024 · 99.93%Jun · 100.0%Jul · 99.63%
May 2024
Jun 2024
Jul 2024 - Actions - Operational

API - Operational

100% - uptime
May 2024 · 100.0%Jun · 100.0%Jul · 100.0%
May 2024
Jun 2024
Jul 2024

Website - Operational

100% - uptime
May 2024 · 100.0%Jun · 100.0%Jul · 100.0%
May 2024
Jun 2024
Jul 2024

Notice history

Jul 2024

Some GitHub jobs unable to start
  • Resolved

    GitHub have reverted the bad deploy, jobs are running again.

  • Identified

    GitHub are currently experiencing an issue where some Actions jobs are unable to start - this is due to progressive rollout of a bad configuration on GitHub's part ( We are monitoring the incident.

GitHub Actions Outage
  • Resolved

    All jobs are able to start on Depot runners. GitHub have announced that they have completed their failover, though job queue times may remain longer than usual.

  • Monitoring

    We are observing most Actions jobs able to start on Depot runners. We'll continue to monitor as GitHub recovers.

  • Monitoring

    GitHub continues to work on their region failover:

    Some Actions jobs are able to start on Depot runners, however most API requests to the Actions API to retrieve work are failing with rate limit errors, it appears both the GitHub API and Actions control plane are overloaded by the effects of the outage.

  • Monitoring

    GitHub is reporting that they are failing over to a secondary region. This appears to be caused by an outage of the Azure Central US region:

  • Identified

    We are still monitoring GitHub's outage. We have launched an Actions runner for each queued Actions job, and some jobs have been able to start, however many of the runners are online waiting for GitHub to send them work.

    Once GitHub resolves the outage upstream, we expect all queued jobs to be sent to the online runners.

  • Investigating

    GitHub is reporting an incident where they are unable to start Actions jobs:

GitHub Outage
  • Resolved

    GitHub jobs are processing normally.

  • Monitoring

    We are still seeing some increased job queue times, but the backlog of jobs is processing.

  • Monitoring

    GitHub have marked their incident as closed, but we have not yet seen full recovery of Actions webhooks. We will continue to monitor as they recover.

  • Identified

    GitHub is now reporting a general outage, including for git operations:

  • Identified

    We are currently observing increased delays receiving GitHub job webhooks from GitHub, which may cause increases in the queue times for some jobs, or may cause the Depot UI to incorrectly display jobs as queued when they have actually started running. We will continue to monitor.

Jun 2024

Docker Hub upstream outage
GitHub Actions upstream outage

May 2024

Increased GitHub job queue time
  • Resolved

    GitHub have marked the incident as resolved.

  • Monitoring

    We are observing all jobs able to successfully start. GitHub is still reporting that status updates are delayed for all Actions customers.

  • Monitoring

    While GitHub are still investigating the incident, we are seeing some jobs able to complete, though their status is often not reflected correctly in the GitHub UI.

  • Identified

    GitHub have identified the cause as network connectivity issues on their end, they are continuing to investigate:

  • Identified

    GitHub have just opened an incident of their own for this outage:

  • Identified

    This appears to be a GitHub Actions outage - both GitHub-hosted runners and Depot-hosted runners are currently experiencing issues starting jobs.

  • Identified

    We are observing GitHub taking an increased amount of time to release Actions jobs to runners.

GitHub Actions outage
  • Resolved
    This incident has been resolved.
  • Monitoring

    GitHub has opened an outage of its own that we are now monitoring

  • Identified

    We have identified the issue as being on GitHub's end. They are either not releasing jobs in a timely manner to online runners or not sending webhook events when jobs are in progress. We will continue to monitor queue times on our side.

  • Investigating
    We are currently investigating this incident.

May 2024 to Jul 2024
